leadership keynote speaker

A Leadership Keynote Speaker Delivering Inspiring Leaders to Motivate & Build Trust in the Workplace

In our changing workplace environment, millennials and members of Gen Z are looking for more from their employers. Gone are the days of mundane office tasks, and now more than ever, people crave connection and purpose in their careers.

Through his powerful keynote speeches on leadership, Drew Harden inspires leaders and provide new ideas on how to effectively manage a team. From students to managers to CEOs, Drew helps people discover the joy and power of servant leadership.

His leadership speeches demonstrate how to appreciate and acknowledge team members in unique ways, which encourages their own confidence and leadership skills to develop to further support the businesses’ bottom line. He helps leaders empower teams to perform at their best by supporting and uplifting them in their personal and professional journeys.

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership is a philosophy in which leaders put the well-being and development of their team members before their own. It's a leadership style based on trust and positive relationships. A servant leader helps others perform and grow as highly as possible.

Through servant leadership, managers are able to earn the respect of others and establish greater trust between employees. Instead of upper-level management making the majority of decisions in the workplace, servant leadership fosters a welcoming and communicative workplace in which employees’ opinions contribute to company decisions. Drew leads his web design & digital marketing agency, Blue Compass, under servant leadership principles each day - allowing team members to advance their skill sets in a supportive, positive environment.

servant leadership speaker at panel 

Discover How to be a Good Leader & Manager With a Servant Leadership Speaker

Through his keynote speeches, Drew share many stories from his 15+ years of leading Blue Compass and building it into one of the most successful digital marketing agencies in the Midwest through instilling servant leadership qualities in his everyday life.

While typical leadership talks are directed towards upper-level management, Drew’s leadership speeches aren’t just for C-suite executives. As leadership expert John Maxwell says, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It’s about one life influencing another.” Drew believes that your title doesn’t make you a leader—your actions do. Through his speeches, he stresses that everyone can exhibit a positive influence on others, and the best way to see a certain behavior from others is to demonstrate that behavior yourself.

"Drew gave a very insightful and powerful presentation on how he started and grew his business. He shared some marketing tools he used and, more importantly, leadership lessons he's learned along the way. It was very honest and engaging."

- Megan Uhlik, PSSI


With the principles of servant leadership in mind, Drew talks to audience members about the concept that great leaders must strive to improve so they can better serve their team. If your goal is to create a welcoming, positive workplace with great company culture, it’s important to be a great leader.

Whether he’s speaking to a group of CEOs or a class of college students, Drew customizes his speeches to your audience to provide the tools needed to lead a joyful workplace or department, how to stay passionate about your career and how to be a leader that team members love to follow.

By learning the value of connection and listening to employees, you’ll gain the knowledge to establish these core servant leadership principles in your everyday life as you grow in your role - and as pastor and leadership expert Craig Groeschel say, “Everyone wins when leaders get better.” 

Contact Drew To Book Him As A Keynote Speaker On Leadership

With his personalized leadership keynote speeches, Drew is skilled at making memorable impacts on his audiences to inspire them in their own leadership journeys. By using stories from his decades of leading and growing his own company, he is able to create a relatable experience where attendees are able to walk away with the knowledge and motivation to foster an empowered workplace of their own. Looking to hire Drew for your next conference, meeting or event? Reach out to him now.